Health Is more than Healthy Food and Exercise
When we think about being Healthy. Our mind immediately goes to Food and Exercise. Eating healthy and exercising regularly are important to get and stay healthy. But they are only part of what it takes to achieve Health. Everything affects our health.
There are 8 pillars of health.
Physical Health- This includes Exercise, Sleep, hygiene, etc.
Nutritional Health- What you eat and Drink.
Emotional Health- mental health and stress
Social Health- relationships, and social life.
Spiritual Health- Is not about religion- it looks different for everyone- it has to do with values and is unique to everyone.
Intellectual Health- Engaging the Mind
Financial Health- We don’t usually think of this as being part of health- but financial stability affects your health.
Environmental- Where you work, Live, the air you breathe and anything in your environment.
Take time to evaluate How are you doing in each of these areas. What are things that you are doing well. What are things you need to work on. Are there things holding you back. Try not to get too discouraged. We are all works in progress and have areas we need to work on. I know that I do.